Tenuta Camaldoli

“Colle Rotondella” and “Tenuta “Camaldoli are produced from the grapes of this vineyard

Tenuta Camaldoli, is located on the southern slope of the Camaldoli hill, and entirely contained in the municipality of Naples. The vineyard is mainly made up of Piedirosso grapes arranged on several terraces and covers about 3 hectares. The topographic reference is 40°52’14” N latitude, 14°10’28” E longitude, with an altitude between 200 m and 290 m a.s.l.


The site features sloping topography regulated by a large south-facing banking up on a tuffaceous matrix (yellow Neapolitan Tufo 10,000- 15,000 years ago) in which overlapping layers of pyroclastic tied to the Phlegrean eruptions between 3500-5000 years ago.


The Piedirosso vineyard is thirty years old and is espaliered with a bilateral and double inverted guyot architecture. The rows tend to be oriented north-south with layouts of 2 m x 1.35 m and have a density of 3500 plants/hectare.

"Colle Rotondella" and "Tenuta Camaldoli" are produced from the grapes of this vineyard

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